It is very important that communication is strongly linked with a company's overall vision and strategy. No matter if a company has 2 people or 2000 people, communication is demanded. Due to the fact that business environments are constantly changing today; effective communication must take place in order for a business to be successful.
Here is a funny comic that pertains to email use: http://www.nvcc.edu/home/mwendell/Images/comic.png
Effective Business Communication:
In class today we discussed the different types of communication. Everything from word of mouth to chat rooms are being used the business environment. It is important for companies to explain these new ways of communication. For example, my father is 54 years old. About 3 years ago he moved from a blue-collar, hands on job, to a similar job only instead he was office based and corporate. They needed him to be able to email, chat and use various components of the computer. My dad had never used a computer in his life; nor did he know how to email. So they trained him on this. If the company had not trained him, they would have lost a great addition to their work force; and if he had not been willing to learn he would have lost out on a great opportunity.
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